
Que pasa calabasa?

The Basics:

  • 28 years old--> Aries --> spicy
  • A student of Psychology studying Marriage and Family Therapy.
  • If ever there was a more family oriented human being, it would be me. 
  • #1 pet peeve: people who talk with their mouths full of food.  :-|
  • I love love love green tea.
  • This is as simple as I can express it: I ♥ cute stuff. It makes me happy.  :) Crocheting, knitting, Sanrio goodies......throw it all in there. 

I've chosen an assortment of random questions because I'm not very good at narrowing down the exact components of my personality without sounding prosaic. So, here we go...

  1. When’s the last time you were aggravated and happy at the same time? Hmmmm......I find that somehow impossible. As a student of Psychology, I would asses that as a type of personality or mood disorder. I'm either happy or aggravated. 
  2. Would you ever smile at a stranger? I would and have :) And sometimes they don't smile back, lol. I admit I feel a little silly if they don't, but I shrug my shoulders and go on with my day.
  3. Have you heard a song that reminds you of someone today? Certain songs do remind me of different people I've met through out my life. Music is beautiful that way :)
  4. How often do you listen to music? EVERYDAY. I'm so in love with all sorts of genres and artists. I believe music can help you grasp different perspectives on life, love, hate, or what have you. It can help you put into words what you've only thought of in your mind. It's a fresh outlook, or a common point of view. 
  5. Do you wear jeans or sweats more? This one is easy: I wear sweats. I'm the kind of gal who will wear something because it's comfortable. Style is also important, don't get me wrong; it should be an extension of your personality. I prefer clothes that are 100% comfortable and simple. Simplicity is lovely. :)
  6. Are you a social or an antisocial person? I am as social as I'm going to be in these moments of my life, but it's possible that someday I'll evolve into someone who is EXTREMELY comfortable around strangers.
  7. Can you drive a stick shift? Nope. I have an idea, but I doubt that would be helpful on freeways and such. 
  8. Do you get a lot of colds? I do. I've been this way since childhood. And suddenly, I've developed allergies, too, which just sucks.
  9. Does anyone hate you? I'm almost certain there are some who hate me. That's just life. 
  10. Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years? Hmmmmm.....that's a toughie. I'm 27, so in 5 years I'll be 32. *thinking.......thinking.......thinking* I honestly have ZERO clue whether I will or won't be. 
  11. What’s the best part about school? Oh wow, the best part about school.......let me see here......I love the books (even though they cost an arm, leg, eyeball, sanity). I love that by the time every quarter ends, I've learned so many wonderful things. Like my dad always says, "knowledge is power."
  12. Are you nice to everyone? I'm going to say YES. I'm nice until given a reason not to be. I believe I'm being completely fair in that regard. :)
  13. Are you good at hiding your feelings? Absolutely not. As the saying goes, "I wear my heart on my sleeve." God knows I've tried to mask my disappointments and fears for the sake of others, but my demeanor and attitude invariably remain unchanged. 
  14. Do you have someone you can be your complete self around? My parents. That may sound a bit juvenile, but they are so much more to me than just parental figures. They are contemporaries, trusted friends, an amazing pair of people :) <3


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