supplies and crafts.

I have a "favorites" category when it comes to my yarn. What I mean by that is I find myself using the same types of colors for my pieces even though I have more to choose from, hehe. :) I tend to gravitate more towards Lion Brand. Basically, they make an amazing, luxurious product. Thanks, Lion Brand!

I keep a journal to organize myself. Every idea that pops into my head, day or night, crochet patterns, and the like all fit in this leather bound book. It's SUPER important I keep this since I'm notoriously forgetful!! It's important to write down the things you need to remember so that you can keep your mind clear for other things :)

I have an array of crochet hooks but find myself using more of the sizes G, H, and N. Why you ask? Perhaps it's because they just feel more comfortable when I hold them, hehe.

Lately, I've grown lovingly fond of buttons and hole punchers. Ever since I bought a bag of Grandma's Grab Bag buttons from Michael's, I incessantly search for more. Yeah, I want that french fry button, no problem!

I keep my yarn needles in what used to be a mints container. It has the phrase "off with her head" in red.....I'm a sucker for Alice in Wonderland items. Yup. ♥

Oooooh myyyyy gooooodnesss...don't get me started on colored permanent markers, pens, and pencils (although you don't see pencils in this picture because I was simply too lazy....go figure)! I love love love them. Love. Them. The end!

...And last but certainly NOT least, what kind of gal would I be without my laptop?? I adore it! I recently switched to Mac about six months ago, enduring much protest from my dad because he's such a Steve Jobs hater. Best decision I ever made. Take that dad :-P
The little bag of Kawaii paper by Doodle Bear makes me giggle whenever I have the opportunity to use it! I'm like a kid in a really large candy/toy/chocolate milk store with this kind of stuff. They're also such an inspiration ♥

I don't use this plant as part of my crocheting assembly line, but I just felt the need to share. It's my most FAVORITE item from Amazon Pottery by Connie Chavez. I see an orchid and I just die. There, I'm dead, it was THAT gorgeous.

Thank you all for reading!
Mucho ♥



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